Best time to eat pomegranate

In general, the best time to eat any fruit is first thing in the morning after a glass of water. This applies to pomegranate as well. Fruits, including pomegranates, are very rich sources of a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, and make for a great breakfast food for the perfectly healthy start to the day. But, as we all know, there is a right time and place for everything, even for the healthiest of things. So, this might give rise to the question, what is actually the best time to eat pomegranates? Let us look for an answer here.

best time to eat pomegranate

For breakfast

Eating pomegranates right in the morning is a very good idea. Pomegranates contain ample amounts of sugar and a healthy dose of vitamins that will start the day on a healthy note, and the sugar will give you ample energy to last at least till it is time for lunch. Mix a generous helping of pomegranates into your daily oats and yoghurt mix, or simple mix the fruit in with some Greek yoghurt for a delicious and fat free breakfast. You can also opt for a quick and delicious smoothie with your pomegranates, other fruits, and some yogurt. If nothing else, pop the fruits into the blender and make a quick glass of juice. Remember to skip the sugar, though.

As a snack

Pomegranates also make for a very healthy and most tempting mid morning or after lunch snack. If you pack in a fruit salad with assorted berries and a generous helping of pomegranates, you will find yourself yearning to get through lunch and reach for the packed dessert. It is truly yummy, and healthy to boot, so you will be able to power through the treat without any nagging feelings of guilt. Do keep in mind, however, that it is best to leave an hour at least between your lunch and your fruity dessert.

Not at night

Although pomegranates are chock full of goodness, it is best to avoid snacking on them after sundown, and definitely not at night. This is not because they will not be beneficial for you, but simply because your body will be less prone to process the fruit after sundown, and hence be unable to take in the goodness that the fruit would have otherwise imparted. Our metabolism slows down considerably towards the end of the day, and hence heavy foods that are rich in fiber, like pomegranates, will be more difficult to digest. Besides, the sugar content will give you too much energy and keep you from falling asleep. It is also possible that the sugar, on not being processed well, will simply be turned to fat by the body.

Pomegranates are extremely versatile fruits. You can eat them as they are or deseeded; you can make smoothies with them or juice them; and you can certainly sprinkle them in your ice creams to make a less guilty dessert. They are also extremely delicious, and so full of nutrients that eating some every day will only boost your immunity, detoxify your system, and increase your blood supply.